Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tiger Blooms


I've been doing a lot of experimentation in the last 18 months. Mixing and layering mediums, creating ephemera by transforming miscellaneous wires and washers and metal sheeting, using molds to turn paint into something that doesn't seem like paint, Dropping and throwing various types of paint and ink in to see what happens. Decorating and using various colors of tissue paper as backgrounds, taking advantage of the transparency of it. And it's been a blast. 
I never thought I'd be a collage artist. Couldn't even imagine it. But, as everyone knows, when you hang out with highly creative artists and absorb their bravery and why not attitude, it's a no brainer. How could I not be a collage artist. One of the greatest things about being part of a group is how you adopt some of everyone's vibe and it informs your practice. Each one of us Martini Girls does collage, but in our way, interpreting the materials completely different than the other three. 
If you are practicing art alone, keep doing that. And just think about being part of a group, creating separately together. 

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