Saturday, June 4, 2022

DISSOLUTION, layer by layer

One of my favorite things about Oil and Cold Wax is that it always takes me on a journey, I go where it leads me. The destination usually a surprise. Once in awhile I get the idea I know where we're going before the paint's been mixed. This work was one of those times. 

I had some stencils and masks that I made just for this piece. A hazy vision of circles and arcs and transparency had been calling me for several weeks. My palette of yellows and blues mixed and ready. Starting with a 12 x 12 board coated with oil ground, the first few layers looked and felt promising. This needed to dry for a little while before I could continue.  
After about 20 minutes, the surface was dried enough to continue adding layers, excavating, masking. Enough for this day, let it dry at least overnight and see what's what.


When I returned to the piece, layers were added, removed. A happy accident created bubbles. I liked it for an instant, bubbles are happy things, and then not at all. Rotating it in all directions didn't help me see anything good. I remember when I first starting using cold wax, I would watch videos on YouTube. talking to the screen, telling the artist to stop, don't go there. Why did you have to ruin it? Well, that's exactly what I did...ruined it. It doesn't have to stay ruined, keep going.


Added a line, liked it less. Too clean, boring. contrived. I need to step away from it for at least a few minutes. Coming back to the work, evaluating composition, values, shapes, and trying to see and feel where this is going. Changing direction of a piece in progress isn't as hard as it sounds, at the same time it is hard. I start with small steps, one thing at time. Adding a color, disturbing the work already down, changing a shape, or adding a new value, each can have great impact on it's own. 


This particular piece needed some messing up, some complexity, to be undone. Taking away some things in a very deliberate random manner achieved those things. This piece was pretty quick, only a matter of days. Some evolve over time, getting worked on as I have time or they call my name. There are pieces that have sat around for long time, weeks, months or a year plus in my studio. I leave them where I can see them, just in case inspiration strikes. Or I get a whim to paint over them completely and start over. That's a post for another day.

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