Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Playing with Art

I have found that when I have finished a run of productivity I need a break. I may not create anything or even think about art for days or weeks at a time. I need to move beyond what I have just finished, rest and recharge. New ideas will fill my brain and then it's time to play. Playing seems to be my bridge from one set of work to the next. During this experimental time, I avoid using my primary medium, oil and cold wax. Acrylics, pastels and oils with various additives applied in new ways on a variety of substrates fill my imagination and my workspace. Some go one to be used in other works and some become finished pieces in their own right. I encourage everyone to take some time to play.


Surf Crash

Surf Crash, Oil and Cold Wax, 16 x 16



Fluttering, Oil and Cold Wax, 16 x 20 Matted/Framed, Sold


Spring Frost by Patti Belbin

Spring Frost, Oil and Cold Wax, 16 x 20


Precious Moon by Patti Belbin

Precious Moon, Multi Media on Mulberry Paper, 15.5 x 15.x Shadowbox. Sold.


Finding Joy by Patti Belbin

Finding Joy, Oil and Cold Wax, 10 x 22


Magic Carpet Ride by Patti Belbin

Magic Carpet Ride, Oil and Cold Wax, 36 x 36


through by Patti Belbin

through, Oil and Cold Wax, 24 x 24. Sold.

 A friends recent loss sent me on a journey to the past. The whole of my life was visible. I could see how death had affected my life, altering my course by mere degrees. Changing my destination. Changing me. Every sendoff staying with me. Subtly shoving me this way and that. Moving me physically, mentally, and emotionally to this place. To being without all of them. Pushing through each time.

Vacation time

 This blog is late because of my vacation, but about vacation.... Everyone needs vacation time. To decompress, re-energize, disconnect and r...