Saturday, February 24, 2024

 To those of you awaiting your Martini Girls invitation to this years Art Bar show, the wait is over.....

The Art Bar has changed it's policy on groups showing every year in order to make room for more artists and groups. It was decided to reschedule our shows to Biennials and our next show will be Sept 2025. We will keep you posted. Keep creating! 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

 So I haven't been really good at doing this blog on a regular basis. Life got in the way, as it does. Starting in March 2024 I'm committing to do this much more often. Not sure exactly what the schedule or format will be, but I'm still creating art and still want to talk and write about it. Stay tuned for more....

Vacation time

 This blog is late because of my vacation, but about vacation.... Everyone needs vacation time. To decompress, re-energize, disconnect and r...